Galaxy DX2547-G Sideband CB Base Station Radio

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SKU: 656955325479
Regular price $499.99

Galaxy DX2547-G Sideband CB Base Station Radio

Deluxe AM/SSB base station CB radio with gold (orange) led's, flip-down feet that operates on both AC & DC current. Features 6 digit frequency counter, large easy-to-read meter with 4 scales (S/RF/PWR/SWR), automatic SWR Circuit, On/Off Talkback switch with volume control, variable power output, Roger Beep, Galaxy Noise Filter for use on weak signals, LED high SWR alert indicator, instant channel 9/19 switch, On/Off Receive Clarifier, Tone control, NB/ANL filters, On/Off Dim control, RF & Mic Gain controls, PA/Ext. speaker & headphone jacks. AC & DC power cables are included.